For our Melbourne locations we offer two registrations options to suit your needs.
Season Plan: Pay upfront for the complete season and save! (Afterpay also available)
Weekly Plan: Automatic weekly payments to cover your membership.
Terms and Conditions ALL MEMBERS
Agreement of Terms and Conditions
By registering with the Iron Armour Academy programs members hereby acknowledge and agree with IAA Terms and Conditions.
When a Member is under 16 years of age or considered a ‘dependent’ Parent/Guardian takes complete responsibility of IAA Terms and Conditions being upheld and will be held liable.
Iron Armour Academy also known as Iron Armour Athletes, Iron Armour, and/or IAA.
Members are required to arrive on time to each training session so that the full session can be achieved.
Dress appropriately and bring a sweat towel or other reasonably requested equipment or apparel. IAA training T-shirt is compulsory for all Youth Athletes and must be worn at each session (once received).
The Member is required to wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Footwear should be comfortable and provide adequate support. Please ensure footwear is clean before entering.
Due to hygiene, towels are required when using equipment; this may result in Members having to purchase a towel from IAA to participate in the session.
Bring any medication, or medical equipment that may become necessary throughout physical activity.
Under no circumstances will smoking and/or alcohol be permitted on or within 10 meters of the premises.
If/when a Coach/Trainer recommends or refers the Member to a third-party practitioner for assessment or treatment it is the Member’s responsibility to follow this up and the Coach/Trainer is deemed to have done all that is reasonably necessary.
All Members are expected to respect every person equally. IAA will not tolerate any verbal, emotional and/or physical abuse to Members, parents/guardians, coaches, Coach/Trainers, staff, volunteers, members, sponsors, Members, promoters, spectators and/or facilitators.
IAA reserves the right to evict or deny admission to any Members that IAA deem will have a negative effect on Members, parents/guardians, coaches, staff, volunteers, members, sponsors, participants, promoters, spectators, facilitators and/or facilities. Eviction will result in Members forfeiting all payments made and future sessions.
Replace any equipment promptly after using, wipe with disinfectant where provided and ensure basic hygiene and cleanliness is upheld.
Members are wholly liable for any damages that occur, or expenses incurred relating to any fixtures, fittings, equipment or other property of Iron Armour Academy resulting from their conduct.
IAA has a strict no littering policy; Members must respect the venue/facility by leaving it in the condition that it was found.
IAA will not be held accountable for any loss or damage to personal belongings. It is the responsibility of the Member to ensure their belongings are kept in a safe place.
IAA may capture photographs and/or video footage for their own promotional use. Please indicate if permitted/not permitted upon registration. No indication is deemed as promotional images to be permitted.
All Members of HPU (High Performance Unit) must abide and uphold the code of ethics and conduct. Code of ethics and conduct must be signed before commencing program HPU. HPU is an exclusive program joined by invitation only.
Well Being, Medical and Liability
In case of an emergency, IAA reserves the right to provide medical treatment or seek medical assistance deemed appropriate by staff, coaches, volunteers and/or facilitators with any associated costs passed onto the Member.
IAA reserves the right to cancel any session at any time if it is deemed unsafe for use due to unexpected circumstances.
IAA staff will provide the utmost care for all Members, however, in the event that an accident might occur IAA staff will not be held liable for the injury or illness. Members understand that by participating they do so at their own risk and therefore indemnify IAA against all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, costs and expenses.
IAA must be alerted of any medical conditions that the Member may have that could affect their ability, enjoyment, well-being or risk of injury to themselves and/or other Members.
Member recognises the difficulties associated with physical activity, Member ensures that it is safe to participate in the elected IAA program and physical activity.
Members are responsible for seeking clearance or advice from a doctor or medical professional prior to undertaking physical activity, nutritional or physical intervention at IAA to prevent risk of illness or injury.
Members will inform IAA as they become aware of any medical condition, injury or impairment that may be detrimental to health or performance.
Communication, learning and online
Online content is accessed via the following online tools: Website, Facebook page, Instagram, Team App, Meeting platforms such as Zoom. Registration is required for online participation, please refer to your program's details to gain access to required video, resources and information.
Ensure all contact information provided to IAA is accurate. i.e. mobile phone contact, email address etc. Contact us immediately if details change.
Sessions are held in various locations, referring to communications for session location via Team App.
Achieve satisfactory progress with the program’s participation and completion of any tasks.
All program sessions on any and all IAA platforms (online or face to face) are property of Iron Armour Academy. Under no circumstances can any program be duplicated, shared, reproduced without written consent from the Iron Armour Academy board of director’s representative.
Content of IAA programs and material including copyright and other such intellectual property rights contained therein, remain the property of IAA. No part of IAA content will not be reproduced in any part without prior written consent.
Payments, Cancellations and Refunds
IAA has a no refund policy. All fees must be received before each program session begins.
IAA does not accept weekly cash payments. Payment options include; upfront payment through cash, online payment, direct debit options. Weekly payment accepted through PayPal/direct debit option only.
2 weeks’ notice is required to cancel program registration/payments
Upfront payments result in fee discount, when requesting a refund of an upfront payment, sessions completed are charged at full rate, not discounted rate. Two weeks notice/payment must be given.
Cancelling or missing a session: Member will be charged for the scheduled training session/s
If a Member is late to their scheduled session time, no extension of time is to be provided by the Coach/Trainer, and the session will finish according to the allotted time.
Covid 19 Regulations
Sign in with Admin before ever session
Do not attend any Iron Armour Academy sessions if you’re sick, or feel unwell.
Use hand sanitiser on entry and exit
BYO water bottle, no sharing bottles. No water bottles supplied by Iron Armour Academy.
In the gym; Use a towel at all sessions, no towel no entry.
Minimise touching your face
In the gym; Wipe down all equipment after use with disinfectant provided
Cover coughs and sneezes in your elbow
Wash your hands at the end of your workout
Wipe equipment before and after use
Stay 1.5 metres away from others
Where possible change/shower at home.
Use COVID Safe Check-In